Frequently used Hadoop Commands 💇

In this post we will see the most frequently used hadoop commands

  1. hadoop version - prints the Hadoop version

  2. hadoop fs –mkdir /path/directory_name - create directory directory in HDFS

  3. hadoop fs -ls /path - command to enlist the files and directories present in HDFS

  4. haoop fs -put <localsrc> <dest> - copy local file of the local file system to the Hadoop filesystem

  5. hadoop fs -get <src> <localdest> - copies the file or directory from the Hadoop file system to the local file system

  6. hadoop fs –cat /path_to_file_in_hdfs - cat command to display the content of the file present in HDFS.

  7. hadoop fs -mv <src> <dest> - move to directory in HDFS

  8. hadoop fs -cp <src> <dest> - copy file from one location in HDFS to another